Your support today
is changing lives.
Please give generously to allow us to continue this ministry
of giving the love and hope of Jesus Christ to millions of
people across the world.
Your donation is tax deductible if you live in the US., FRG Ministry International has 501(c)3 status in the USA.
Unfortunately, although we are also a charity in Australia, we do not have DGR status. Donations to the Trustee for FRG Ministry Australia are not tax deductible at this time.
Your donation assists ICON (FRG) Ministry to bring the Word of God to people everywhere by helping us create resources, online courses, liturgies and outreach programs that point to Jesus and His Church.
As a ministry partner, you get the joy of knowing that you are part of a team working together to share a message of love and hope. You also get a monthly newsletter, monthly inspirational downloads, behind the scenes updates, online partner prayer meetings with the ICON Ministry team, depending on the partner level you choose. Ministry partners get exclusive monthly videos from Fr. Rob Galea, access to Encounter Courses, a welcome gift and Modern Grace store discounts. These offers encourage you to deepen your faith while helping others to grow in their faith too. You also get priority updates on ICON Ministry events.
You can request a Mass, but due to Fr. Rob's busy schedule we cannot guarantee a specific date. When you submit your donation, please note in the comment section for whom the Mass will be offered.
Do you have any other questions?
Contact our team at donations@iconministry.com
FRG Ministry International (USA) is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit. All US donations are federal tax-deductible.
FRG Ministry Australia is a registered religious charity. All donations received in Australia are tax exempt for FRG Ministry, but are not tax deductible for the donor.